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June 2023
Webinar – WAVE Boot Camp (Spanish)
Este campo de entrenamiento logra una descripción general completa de la aplicación de contabilidad gratuita diseñada específicamente para personas no financieras. Este campo de entrenamiento se dicta en formato de conferencia y cubre todas las características y funciones mas importantes. Los participantes aprenderán a usar Wave para administrar sus finanzas, crear facturas, realizar un seguimiento de los gastos y generar informes financieros. En dos horas, el entrenamiento brindará una comprensión de alto nivel de la aplicación, centrandose en los aspectos…
Find out more »August 2023
Webinar – QuickBooks Online Boot Camp
This boot camp is a short, intensive training program designed for non-finance people to learn how to use QuickBooks online. The boot camp covers the basic features and functions, including setting up accounts, managing invoices and expenses, tracking sales and revenue, generating financial reports, and reconciling bank statements. The focus is on practical skills, with the goal of providing participants with the knowledge and CONFIDENCE to effectively manage their financial data. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »September 2023
Webinar – Campamento de Quickbooks Online
Este campo de entrenamiento es un programa de capacitación breve e intensivo diseñado para que personas no financieras aprendan a usar QuickBooks en línea. El campo de entrenamiento cubre las características y funciones básicas, incluida la configuración de cuentas, la gestión de facturas y gastos, el seguimiento de ventas e ingresos, la generación de informes financieros y la conciliación de extractos bancarios. El enfoque está en las habilidades prácticas, con el objetivo de brindar a los participantes el conocimiento y…
Find out more »Webinar – WAVE Boot Camp (Spanish)
Este campo de entrenamiento logra una descripción general completa de la aplicación de contabilidad gratuita diseñada específicamente para personas no financieras. Este campo de entrenamiento se dicta en formato de conferencia y cubre todas las características y funciones mas importantes. Los participantes aprenderán a usar Wave para administrar sus finanzas, crear facturas, realizar un seguimiento de los gastos y generar informes financieros. En dos horas, el entrenamiento brindará una comprensión de alto nivel de la aplicación, centrandose en los aspectos…
Find out more »Webinar – QuickBooks Online Boot Camp
This boot camp is a short, intensive training program designed for non-finance people to learn how to use QuickBooks online. The boot camp covers the basic features and functions, including setting up accounts, managing invoices and expenses, tracking sales and revenue, generating financial reports, and reconciling bank statements. The focus is on practical skills, with the goal of providing participants with the knowledge and CONFIDENCE to effectively manage their financial data. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »October 2023
Webinar: Accounting & Financial Basics
Learn how to take control of your business through the power of financial information. Everyone is not an Accountant, and many are not comfortable with accounting for your business. Financials convey a story about a business and can empower the entrepreneur/business owner. Accounting basics are important for all business owners. Come ready to learn about the financial aspects of your business in an easy to learn environment. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – Accounting and Financial Basics (Spanish)
Este seminario lo ayudará a comprender mejor el valor de tener un contador que lo ayude a tener éxito en los negocios. También aprenderá conceptos básicos de contabilidad que lo ayudarán a comprender los estados financieros y utilizar indicadores financieros clave. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – WAVE Boot Camp
This boot camp is a comprehensive overview of the free accounting application designed specifically for non-finance people. This boot camp is delivered in a lecture-style format and covers all the key features and functions. Participants will learn how to use Wave for managing their finances, creating invoices, track expenses, and generating financial reports. In two hours, the boot camp will provide a high-level understanding of the application, focusing on the most important aspects that participants need to know in order…
Find out more »December 2023
Webinar – Accounting and Financial Basics (Spanish)
Este seminario lo ayudará a comprender mejor el valor de tener un contador que lo ayude a tener éxito en los negocios. También aprenderá conceptos básicos de contabilidad que lo ayudarán a comprender los estados financieros y utilizar indicadores financieros clave. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar: Accounting & Financial Basics
Description: Learn how to take control of your business through the power of financial information. Everyone is not an Accountant, and many are not comfortable with accounting for your business. Financials convey a story about a business and can empower the entrepreneur/business owner. Accounting basics are important for all business owners. Come ready to learn about the financial aspects of your business in an easy to learn environment. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – WAVE Boot Camp
This boot camp is a comprehensive overview of the free accounting application designed specifically for non-finance people. This boot camp is delivered in a lecture-style format and covers all the key features and functions. Participants will learn how to use Wave for managing their finances, creating invoices, track expenses, and generating financial reports. In two hours, the boot camp will provide a high-level understanding of the application, focusing on the most important aspects that participants need to know in…
Find out more »January 2024
Webinar – Accounting & Financial Basics
Learn how to take control of your business through the power of financial information. Everyone is not an Accountant, and many are not comfortable with accounting for your business. Financials convey a story about a business and can empower the entrepreneur/business owner. Accounting basics are important for all business owners. Come ready to learn about the financial aspects of your business in an easy to learn environment. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »February 2024
Seminario web – WAVE Boot Camp (español)
Este campo de entrenamiento logra una descripción general completa de la aplicación de contabilidad gratuita diseñada específicamente para personas no financieras. Este campo de entrenamiento se dicta en formato de conferencia y cubre todas las características y funciones mas importantes. Los participantes aprenderán a usar Wave para administrar sus finanzas, crear facturas, realizar un seguimiento de los gastos y generar informes financieros. En dos horas, el entrenamiento brindará una comprensión de alto nivel de la aplicación, centrandose en los aspectos…
Find out more »Webinar – WAVE BOOT CAMP
This boot camp is a comprehensive overview of the free accounting application designed specifically for non-finance people. This boot camp is delivered in a lecture-style format and covers all the key features and functions. Participants will learn how to use Wave for managing their finances, creating invoices, track expenses, and generating financial reports. In two hours, the boot camp will provide a high-level understanding of the application, focusing on the most important aspects that participants need to know in order…
Find out more »March 2024
Webinar – WAVE Introducción (español)
WAVE Introducción: Este seminario web está dirigido a personas que no tienen experiencia financiera y desean comprender mejor las características de WAVE, junto con los conceptos básicos de contabilidad. Cubriremos cómo navegar por la herramienta, realizar configuraciones e introducir brevemente las opciones del menú principal. Nuestro objetivo principal será generar confianza y ayudarle a sentirse más seguro al utilizar la herramienta. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – WAVE Transacciones Comunes (español)
WAVE- Transacciones Comunes Este seminario web está diseñado para aquellos que no tienen experiencia financiera pero han asistido a nuestro seminario web introductorio. Utilizaremos ejemplos sencillos para demostrar cómo gestionar transacciones comerciales básicas, como facturación, compras, importación y conciliacion de transacciones bancarias. Nuestro principal objetivo es ayudarle a sentirse mas comodo y seguro al utilizar la herramienta generando confianza. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »April 2024
Webinar – WAVE Introduction
WAVE Introduction: This webinar is aimed at individuals who are not from a financial background and wish to gain some understanding of WAVE's features, along with basic accounting concepts. We will cover how to navigate the tool, make configurations, and briefly introduce the main menu options. Our primary focus will be to build trust and help you feel more confident while using the tool. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – Accounting & Financial Basics
Learn how to take control of your business through the power of financial information. Everyone is not an Accountant, and many are not comfortable with accounting for your business. Financials convey a story about a business and can empower the entrepreneur/business owner. Accounting basics are important for all business owners. Come ready to learn about the financial aspects of your business in an easy to learn environment. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – Tax Considerations for Home-based Small Businesses
Operating a home-based small business and need some tax related tips/guidelines? The webinar covers tax considerations for a sole proprietorship, LLC and S-Corporation. Highlighted topics will include: Special Business Expense Deductions Self-employment Taxes Quarterly Estimated Taxes and More Come ready with your questions. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – WAVE Common Transactions
WAVE - Common Transactions This webinar is designed for those who do not have a financial background but have attended our introductory webinar. We will use simple examples to demonstrate how to manage basic business transactions such as invoicing, purchasing, importing, and reconciling bank transactions. Our main goal is to help you feel more comfortable and confident when using the tool by building trust. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »May 2024
Webinar – WAVE Introducción (español)
WAVE Introducción: Este seminario web está dirigido a personas que no tienen experiencia financiera y desean comprender mejor las características de WAVE, junto con los conceptos básicos de contabilidad. Cubriremos cómo navegar por la herramienta, realizar configuraciones e introducir brevemente las opciones del menú principal. Nuestro objetivo principal será generar confianza y ayudarle a sentirse más seguro al utilizar la herramienta. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – WAVE Transacciones Comunes (español)
WAVE- Transacciones Comunes Este seminario web está diseñado para aquellos que no tienen experiencia financiera pero han asistido a nuestro seminario web introductorio. Utilizaremos ejemplos sencillos para demostrar cómo gestionar transacciones comerciales básicas, como facturación, compras, importación y conciliacion de transacciones bancarias. Nuestro principal objetivo es ayudarle a sentirse mas comodo y seguro al utilizar la herramienta generando confianza. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – QuickBooks Online – Transacciones Comunes (español)
QUICKBOOKS ONLINE - Transacciones Comunes Este seminario web está diseñado para aquellos que no tienen experiencia financiera pero han asistido a nuestro seminario web introductorio. Utilizaremos ejemplos sencillos para demostrar cómo gestionar transacciones comerciales básicas, como facturación, compras, importación y conciliación de transacciones bancarias. Nuestro principal objetivo es ayudarle a sentirse más cómodo y seguro al utilizar la herramienta generando confianza. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »June 2024
Webinar – WAVE Introduction
WAVE Introduction: This webinar is aimed at individuals who are not from a financial background and wish to gain some understanding of WAVE's features, along with basic accounting concepts. We will cover how to navigate the tool, make configurations, and briefly introduce the main menu options. Our primary focus will be to build trust and help you feel more confident while using the tool. REGISTER NOW
Find out more »Webinar – QuickBooks Online – Common Transactions
QUICKBOOKS ONLINE - Common Transactions This webinar is designed for those who do not have a financial background but have attended our introductory webinar. We will use simple examples to demonstrate how to manage basic business transactions such as invoicing, purchasing, importing, and reconciling bank transactions. Our main goal is to help you feel more comfortable and confident when using the tool by building trust. REGISTER NOW
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